Des étudiants de différentes écoles Lyonnaises ont formé des équipes pluridiscinaires (équipe tirée au hasard) et ont eu 24 heures pour concevoir un concept transmédia (une maquette) sur la sensibilisation au gaspillage de la nourriture. Les 11 écoles participantes: Factory / BTS Audiovisuel / Bellecour Ecoles / Emile Cohl / ENAAI / Université Lyon 2 -- Gamagora / Université Lyon 2 -- filière Infographie-Multimédia / Université Lyon 3 -- Scénarisation de contenus Multisupport / CCI FORMATION Multimedia / Université Lyon 2 - MAAAV / IUT d'Annecy -- Commercialisation de produits culturels
7 théories sur le transmédia, discréditées par le maître Henry Jenkins
Les 7 principes du Transmedia par Henry Jenkins. The Revenge of the Origami Unicorn: Seven Principles of Transmedia Storytelling 1. Spreadability vs. Drillability At last year's Futures of Entertainment conference, we unrolled the concept of "spreadability" which is the central focus of my next book, which is now being written with Sam Ford and Joshua Green. Spreadability refered to the capacity of the public to engage actively in the circulation of media content through social networks and in the process expand its economic value and cultural worth. Writing in response to that argument, Jason Mittell has proposed a counterveiling principle, what he calls "drillability" which has some close connection to Neil Young's concept of "additive comprehension" cited above. Mitell's discussion...
Un guide méthodologique gratuit pour l’écriture et le développement de projets transmédia par Rob Pratten, le créateur de Transmedia Storyteller, plateforme de creation Transmedia , dense, fouillé, didactique. ABOUT TEDxTRANSMEDIA TEDxTransmedia is in its fourth edition and by now we know this isn’t just another conference on Transmedia storytelling. TEDxTransmedia is special and different. As a TED-style event that is passionate and wildly inspiring we include people from diverse fields and bring them together to respond to a theme through the prism of their expertise. This year’s theme is ‘Dangerously Ethical’ and focuses on how we evolve the ethics of the future and face the challenges ahead. One of those major challenges is how media ethics evolves to be fit for the future, but the event won’t be limited to considering that issue. Our talented speakers include philosophers, scientists, media professionals, musicians, artists, students, athletes and educators.... ...